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Addiction and Rehabilitation: Challenges Faced by Pregnant Incarcerated Individuals

The Prison Birth Project

Updated: Jan 30


Rehabilitation within prisons and for incarcerated individuals is a necessary step for

reintegration into society. Current major health risks within prisons include substance

addiction, specifically opioid and alcohol addiction. For example, almost two-thirds of

incarcerated individuals in the United States have a substance use disorder (Evans et al., 2022; Treatment for Opioid Use, 2022). Despite this prevalence, prison systems consistently fail to provide adequate treatment, leaving individuals vulnerable to relapse and overdose after release (Impact of Incarceration, 2013).

While substance addiction poses a significant challenge for the broader incarcerated population, the impact is particularly severe for vulnerable groups, such as pregnant incarcerated women. Many prison staff view addiction as a moral failure rather than a treatable medical condition, resulting in insufficient care (Ahlbach et al., 2020). In fact, only seven states have statutes related to the treatment of substance use disorders in pregnant incarcerated populations, despite the high prevalence of substance use among these individuals (Augustin et al., 2023). Without proper treatment, addiction and its associated health consequences follow incarcerated individuals as they re-enter society, hindering their ability to secure employment, housing, and safety— essential components for meaningful and effective reintegration (Reentry, 2019). Thus, preventive substance addiction systems are necessary within prisons for effective reintegration among the incarcerated population.

Alcohol and Drug Addiction

Over half of currently incarcerated women report ongoing substance use disorder

(SUD). Compared to male prisoners, women are reportedly 10% more likely to have an SUD in the 12 months preceding incarceration (Maruschak et al., 2021). They also face unique vulnerabilities, including higher rates of childhood abuse, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and socioeconomic instability, which heightened susceptibility to addiction (Lingerfelt et al., 2023).

Secure housing is a critical component of successful reentry. Christina Mancini’s research demonstrates that formerly incarcerated women in unstable living conditions are significantly more likely to relapse into substance use (Mancini et al., 2021). Supportive housing programs, such as Oxford House, have proven effective in promoting long-term sobriety, with women in these programs showing higher rates of recovery after six months (Mancini et al., 2021). Ensuring that incarcerated individuals have access to stable, recovery-oriented housing upon release is essential for breaking the cycle of addiction and incarceration. This would offer pregnant women and new mothers a foundation for maternal health. Without it, the risks of relapse, poor birth outcomes, and family separation increase significantly.

Call to action:

The United States faces a public health crisis in its failure to rehabilitate incarcerated

individuals, particularly women. With respect to incarcerated women, failing to prescribe

treatment for SUDs—especially when an overwhelming amount of incarcerated women report an ongoing SUD—contributes to a continuous cycle of recidivism. For pregnant women specifically, the discontinuation of prescribed MOUD poses severe health risks to the life of the mother. Due to the health and societal risks that follow the failure to rehabilitate, there is an urgent need for policies that aid incarcerated women. Passing policies that would require prisons and jails to administer MOUDs and maintain this treatment would preserve the health of women and expecting mothers in the incarcerated system. Additionally, there is a need for policies that fund rehabilitation programs such as proper housing and employment post-incarceration. Providing individuals with an ease into life post-incarceration can end the continuous cycle of recidivism and addiction while creating stability for mothers and their children. Failing to rehabilitate incarcerated women, especially those who are pregnant or who have an addiction constitutes a public health emergency that must be tended to on a local, state, and federal level.


Ahlbach, C., Sufrin, C., & Shlafer, R. (2020). Care for incarcerated pregnant people with opioid use disorder: Equity and justice implications. Obstetrics and Gynecology, 136(3), 576.

Augustin, D., Steely Smith, M. K., Zielinski, M. J., Sufrin, C., Kramer, C. T., Benning, S. J., Laine, R., & Shlafer, R. J. (2023). State laws on substance use treatment for incarcerated pregnant and postpartum people. Center for Leadership Education in Maternal and Child Public Health, University of Minnesota.

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