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Undergraduate Journal of Public Health

The UJPH blog accepts a wide variety of submissions, including classwork and commentary that provide meaningful insights into public health and/or social justice-related work. Ultimately, the goal of the blog is to investigate public health topics in an informative and interesting way. Please keep submissions under 5 pages, double-spaced. Please cite all references (APA).  



Stories: A section for narratives that sit at the intersection of public health and your personal experiences

Commentary: A section for opinions, reactions, and hot takes on all things public health

From the Voices: A section written by the UJPH Editorial Board on public health issues pertinent to the Metro-Detroit and Ann Arbor area.


Academic Integrity:

The University of Michigan’s academic integrity policy defines plagiarism as“representing someone else’s ideas, words, statements, or other work as one’s own without proper acknowledgement or citation”. Plagiarism of any kind and of any degree will not be tolerated.

  • Any information that is not common knowledge must be cited in-text.

  • “Smoking causes lung cancer” is an example of common knowledge.

  • “110,000 Americans died of Alzheimer’s disease in 2017 (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2018)”, conversely, requires a citation.

  • Direct quotations from any source must be cited and contextualized.

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